Monday, 9 May 2011

Main Website Evaluation

Media Website Evaluation

My media product, in this case a charity website uses challenges and develops forms and conventions in many ways. My website uses normal conventions of a charity website such as information about what the charity does and supports to appeal to the audience. I decided to do a charity website dedicated to helping people with ADHD and did some site research to find standard conventions that other charities use on their websites; looking at RSPCA I was able to compare both mine and their website and found evidence that my website does use standard conventions to relate my audience to my website. Site research also ensured that my photographs and video’s fulfilled the conventions to the websites I had looked at by using a similar layout; even the images alone are similar to charity websites. Our website audience is for a wider range of people but aimed more so at younger children and teenagers, therefore we used these types of people in our pictures so it can relate to the audience. Making certain things that little bit aesthetically pleasing can really have a bigger effect on your website therefore some of my photos have been editing using Photoshop. Editing photos also gave me a sense of uniqueness of that I have used my own initiative to make my website my own and develops the conventions in other researched websites.

My ADHD website represents particular social groups in many ways. Although ADHD in itself isn’t aimed at any gender or age, I have related my website more towards school children.  Again although I never set out an aim of having school children more of a related audience, it does give children a sense of accept ion as they may feel as if they are different.  I have done this by using school children in my photos; some include them looking joyful to show they are content with the services the charity provides. From our survey the most popular age of children was between 0 and 5 yrs and 9 till 11 so I decided to have light and friendly colours such as light blue to attract school children. Not only has this but generally children this age lacked the knowledge of ADHD so my website provides this in a friendly manner. The writing across the website is in a language that both older and younger visitors can understand, however the video information which is spoken is in a more formal way so that people watching can understand but take the illness seriously. I have included some features that can relate to most of my audience, especially younger children and teenagers. Features such as face book and YouTube have been added as a link on my website so that visitors can follow us if they want. The layout of my website is modern with the navigation bar near the top so that younger people do not get confused; it’s a rather simple layout so that it doesn’t confuse any visitor.

There are many kinds of media institutions that might distribute my product starting with web servers. Web servers can distribute my website through either a wired connection or a wireless connection which will then go through to an internet provider. Providers such as SKY and AOL can then distribute my website. Difficulty to distribute a website compared to a radio programme or a film is tough as radio and film are able to advertise in many places which gets to a wide range of audiences. Going back to what I said about the different features my website contains such as face book and YouTube, these are very good places to advertise and promote a website. Social networking sites have increased the number of advertisements they have as media products such as mine are willing to pay social networking sites so they can get there product across to a wide audience.

Using the results of the surveys I sent out and looking back at my website the target audience is mostly children from 2 till about 16. I know 2 year olds won’t be familiar with the internet yet but ADHD may be part of their lives so this is where adults come in to my target audience. Adults too however are liable to ADHD and can suffer from it, but it’s more common in children but adult’s whose children suffer from it can use my website. 17 out of 30 people who did our survey say they strongly agree for an organisation such as ADHD to have a website and 11 out of 30 say they agree so it’s clear that most people will recognise that this is an important charity. When doing some research on ADHD I found out that males are more prone to suffering from ADHD than female and my results show this with 23 out of 30 people were in fact males. Only 5 out of 30 disagreed on the fact that forums were not important on a charity website so I had to accommodate for the rest of the participants who thought that it was necessary by adding a forum to my website to appeal to the majority. 3 people out of the 30 said that they disagree about having a help line number on the home page of my website so to appeal to the 27 who said that it was important, I added a number to the home page.

To attract my target audience I had used a video on the home page which explains how and why people get ADHD, this can interest the who ever the visitor is as they could feel related to it. The pictures of children at school who were receiving help from teachers relate to most of my audience as there are more school children with ADHD than adults with it. However there are some photos of adults involved in the charity which can relate to adults as they may feel that they want to get involved by volunteering or donating ECT. Using practical stories such as going to football matches after receiving help and being able to play guitar can relate to the younger and even the older community of ADHD so I felt the need to add something more readable and intriguing. Using friendly colours such as baby blue, white and light grey can attract my target audience as blue can come across as calm which would benefit from people with ADHD to calm them down perhaps and isn’t “in your face” all the time which makes my website easier to use. Having the name of the charity and the logo at the top of every page is important as it shows consistency on every page, also visitors will be attracted as they know that the website may look professional therefore thinking the same about the actual charity. The light grey shade of writing goes well with the white background and the light blue around the edges which can draw visitor attention.

I have learned many things about technologies from the process of constructing my website. When constructing my preliminary website I found it difficult at first to get the grips of using different software’s such as iweb, Photoshop and final cut express. But when making my preliminary product I started to get to know the basics and started using Photoshop to edit photographs and my logo. After a couple of hours on iweb I started to get to know the software and was able to create a simple looking website which I would look to develop when creating my main website. Using final cut express to edit my video to make it more appealing really allowed me to know how to use it and I hoped to widen my knowledge on it for my main website. Even though I eventually got to know how to use these programmes I never really was taught thoroughly on how to use them so for the majority of the time had to learn as I went through them myself. My creative process for my preliminary website was very basic as I was new to the whole concept of the programmes but I really wanted to broaden my knowledge about them to make full potential of my main website.

Looking back at my preliminary website I was able to learn the programmes needed for my main one. Using Photoshop for my first website allowed me to take one step further for my main website by making a new logo, editing more photos and writing. Using final cut express was hard at first but for my main website wasn’t as difficult as I had used it before. Iweb was now a daily programme to me which I was able to take to my advantage by making 8 pages for my main website. I also developed a wider range of creative skills with evidence of much more links such as Face book, you tube and many more. I was also able to add a Google search bar through html whereas my preliminary website had nothing of the type which indicates that that my skills did develop during the creation of both websites. When I compare both my main website with my first one I see that my layout and colours skills slightly develop as I hade a little change of target audiences, the language is pretty much the same as both websites a formal. I think doing research on other websites really help my creative thinking during the course of the time and allowed me to add some interesting features to both websites, more so on the main website.

George Jardine

Main Website Logo

This is our charities Logo that we had created using Photoshop. The grey/ blue strikethrough was applied in iWeb so that it can fit the pattern of every other page in our website. The colours used for the logo are to suit the colour scheme used all over the website.

Website Screenshots

This is our home page of the ADHD website that Jeremy and I have created. We have added some new on the news feed as when doing the website research, all of them had latest news so to keep in with the trend we did this too. We have added to every page of our website the logo, register/ login and navigation bar so that the website looks consistant and proffesional and easy to use.

The 'about us' page baisically explians what the charity does by telling visitors how the charity helps people who suffer from ADHD. The photograph of Brad was taken by myself at a real football match which suited our story on his life with ADHD. Having brads story can interset the younger children who also like football and thats when they may feel related.

The 'campaigns' page is a page of information where visitors of the website will find what we in terms of raising awarness about ADHD. We have another news feed as we found that many charity websites have newsfeeds on most pages so we wanted to make our website similar.

The 'Support Us' page has some information on three differant ways on how to support the charity. Respectivally we used James as the teacher and Marcus as the student recieving help at School so that school students feel related.

This is the 'Join us' page where we have added differnat ways for anybody who wishes to help out, the bold words in blue are to stand out. We chose blue to match with the colour scheme so that it would look attractive.

This page is where people who are signed up to enter the forums go to connect with others. We have added rules so that forum users do not abuse their freedom.

This is the 'Donate' page where visitors can make donations via paypal to the charity. A photograph of connor playing the Guitar is a little story to pursuade people on this page just what happans to the donated money.

This page is where forum users can sign in or sign up to use forums.

Website Sketches

These are the website sketches that Jeremy and I created when thinking about the layout and placements of certain things. We have gone for the modern look of having the logo at the top right with the navigation bar going horizontal below.

We have decided to include some social networking sites at the bottom so visitors can follow us online. After doing some surveys and research we put the help line number at the top of the home page for fast and easy access.

Charity website Research

Charity website research

To help me create a website layout when thinking about my own one I will be doing some research on current charity websites. I will be looking at the colours these charities use, layout, how they explain themselves and where on the website. I will be doing research on three different charities so that I can gather enough similarities and differences to help me design my own.

Story Board for audio visual piece

For Jeremy and I's video on our charity website, we are going to interview an ADHD specialist on the different things about the illness. Damien (ADHD specialist) will be explaining where ADHD comes from, why and what to do about it. He also mentions what the symptoms could be and who can get it from adults to children.

We have not set the interview to be in any type of surrounding and before Damien answers the question there will be a voice of the person interviewing Damien the question.

Main Website Survey Analysis

Main website survey Analysis

When Jeremy and I went through the results on our survey for our main website we had come across some interesting results.
In the demographics section of the survey, for example asking people for their gender and age etc we found that there were 23 males and 7 females. I thought this was intriguing as it can relate to ADHD as when doing some research on the illness, males tend to suffer from it more than females do so we had our first set of realistic result already. ADHD can be found in people from many ages ranging from 2 until over 60 so we thought we would ask people ranged from 17- 60+. After asking for the age of the participants, we asked whether or not they had any children and if so how many and their age. A research suggests that between 2- 5% of the children population around the world suffers from ADHD but it’s also difficult to tell if they have got or are they just being ‘naughty’. ADHD in adults is easier to spot as their behaviour may not be of a normal sensible adult.
After the demographics section we then moved on to single questions where the participant would read the question and circle their desired answer so it was a rather quick process. Our first question was, ‘What activities do you think are most important to you?’
‘Socialising, cooking, drinking, reading and sport’
 We added this question in as scientists were able to prove that medication isn’t always the key, lifestyle can also help to tackle ADHD.
Apart from the above question, the remaining questions were about what participants thought were most important to have on a charity website and what is the least. Out of the 30 people we questioned we found that 17 of them strongly agreed that an organisation should have a website with only 1 disagreeing.
We also asked people about other little things like whether or not it would be helpful to have the address on the home page and number and they came out rather strong with only 3 people disagreeing.
We decided to ask the participants what would be more effective out of the following, ‘photographs, videos, good colour scheme, clear title and a regular updates’. The results found that regular updates were the most popular and the lowest was forums. After regular updates the order was; photos, videos, colour then forums.

Survey Results

Main Website breif

Main website brief

The main website for my media course will be a charity website. Jeremy Yan and I will be working as partners throughout, however we have not discussed the name as of yet. But what we do know that it will be based around helping children who suffer from ADHD (attention, defect, hyperactivity, disorder).
The website will contain eight pages and eight photographs, four pages and photos from me and four pages and photographs from Jeremy. The page will be the home page where the option bar will be located, some photos, links, and a description about ADHD and what the website does. The option bar will contain options such as; contact us, about us, donations, home, what we do and any other suitable things that we could add.

The home page will contain the charity title in bigger bolder writing than the other text on the page to make it stand out. I would also suggest that we add a helpline number on the home page as it would be conventional and will save time instead of navigating to find the number. Having consistent colours that match together around the website will be affective and it sends out a more organized view on the charity, not only this but when people see certain colours they sometimes think of an organization for example, green: NSPCC.

Finished School Website

Today I have finished my School website. I made a home page and a Media Studies Page.

Page layout

Page layout

My page layout has already been decided. I have gone for a really simple layout, which I found, was most popular in other school websites when doing the research. The navigation bar is at the top but below the logo and banner, and there are two vertical boxes each side of the page. In the middle of both vertical boxes is an introduction to the school ECT. The logo is at the top left with the school name next to it coming in more central. Photos will be added below as a banner. At the bottom of the page there is space for links such as newsletters or any other documents that are important to visitors to the website.

Photoshop, first art work

Photoshop, first art work

 Today I chose a suitable logo for my school website, a Sardine. I thought a Sardine would be suitable as my School is called, ‘Sardine secondary school’. Originally the logo of the sardine was blue and contained some detail that I never wanted to have so I used Photoshop to overcome this problem. Using Photoshop I was able to cop out the parts that were not needed and change the fish from blue to orange as it looked more effective which was better for my website.

Working in iWeb

Working in iWeb

I have got the grips on hoe to add colour and links to my website. My understanding is now growing faster and I have even done links to external pages such as news websites and Google maps ECT. I have now thought about colour scheme that will contain three colours, blue white and orange.

Setting up iWeb

Setting up iWeb

Today I set up iWeb so that I could start making my preliminary website of a school. I started off by learning the basics so that I could build my knowledge before starting to use the more advanced parts of the programme. For my website I had created the simple layout to work on which will enables me to think about what sort of things I will add.

School website brief

School website brief

Before I start with my main website I will be creating a website for a school. The school will be named from my own choice and the layout of the website will also be from my own ideas. However to help me choose a style of layout I have already done some research on real school websites and I found it rather helpful. I found that most of the websites I researched had pretty much a conventional layout where you would find the different types of options at the top making it easier to navigate around.
Also to help with the interactivity of my website was the survey that I have created. The results I received would help me in designing my website; layout, options and what people use the most.
Before I started to use iweb to create my website I had to draft the layout on a piece of A4 paper and colour it in with suitable colours to match.

School website survey

School website survey

Today I downloaded a template for a survey to adapt it towards my course work. When finished with the final survey I made 10 copies so that it could be handed out to 10 different people. The survey questions were about school websites although it contains some social questions so that I could collect a range of different results. For example I could ask, 'What type of sport do you enjoy watching?' there then would be a choice of at least 5 different sports to circle.
An example of a school website question website would be, 'What school website would you be more likely to visit?' followed by an option of different school websites to choose from.


Research on four school websites

School website research

Before creating my own school website, i had to do some research on other school websites so I could see what the differences and similarities were. Things I would be looking out for on these websites are; page layouts, colours, fonts, font size, pictures and consistent techniques.

Using Photoshop

Using Photoshop

After taking photos around school I used Photoshop so that I could make it look better by editing it.

The photo on top is the original photo and the one below is the edited. In the edited one I have adjusted the brightness slightly by making it a tad brighter, the contrast has also been raised.

Using a Camera Introduction

Using a camera

Today I went around the school with 5 friends a learnt how to use a camera to its proper use. Three rules on how to use a camera:
  1. Use the rule of thirds
  2. Positioning of the camera is important
  3. If your photo looks bad, it could have been taken too far away

In our group we had to take two photos each so that we could edit them on Photoshop. One photo had to be a formal photo and the other a funky photo. We took these photos to use on Photoshop so that we can practice editing things such as blurring, brightness, colour, contrast and saturation. When we have done this it should make the photo look much better and more effective.